Check here often for news pertaining to the BTA – Black Thorn Airsoft club!




2011 Year in Review


2011 was a good year for BTA.


A few highlights to remember…


At the long time request of our club regulars, BTA launched our very own private team… simply called the BTA-Team!


BTA continues to attract the largest attendance around! We see a variety of players from members, regulars, and a steady stream of newcomers to visiting teams and individuals looking for games when their own team is not scheduling!


BTA hosted/attended ops every… …single… …week of 2011!

Let us see if we can do it again in 2012!


BTA took it upon ourselves to legitimize the permission and legality of all twenty-seven of our current airsoft AOs (Areas Of Operation).


Furthermore, BTA found, legitimized, and introduced five brand new Utah airsofting AOs!

“The Tunnel”

 “The Mine”

 “CQB Canyon”

 “Rattler Canyon”


“Cyanide Canyon”


On a sad note, we all lost another longtime AO, the old BTA stand-by… “Foundation Hill”!

First, a scrap company retained rights to remove metal from the site, disrupting the terrain quite a bit. However, before landmarks like “The Tower” and “The Sea-Wall” could be torn down, officials stepped in and stopped them over state and federal “wet-lands” issues.

Just when it looked like “Foundation” would survive, multiple companies purchased different portions of the area and have begun construction of private businesses. According to the city, we would be too close to these businesses to be permitted to “play”.


Big thanks to the BTA Command and Support Teams as well as the BTA-Team, for all of their hard work and dedication!


Special thanks to all of you… the members, regulars, friends, visitors, and new faces!


You all make BTA the greatest airsoft club!



BTA - Black Thorn Airsoft


Hic Pro Pugna!





We have decided on a “code-name” for the previously unnamed AO located outside of Cedar Fort, where we held…


Op: “PLAYERS CHOICE-2011” SAT. 10/01/2011


Op: “TURKEY SHOOT-2011” SAT. 11/19/2011


Henceforth this location will be known as...


“Cyanide Canyon”!





There have been various revisions to the BTA ROE.



Make sure you take the time to read and understand the new BTA ROE before attending our next op! 


Pay particular attention to the FPS/Engagement distance rules.



BTA December Op Schedule!

We ask that members check the details of every week’s event, allowing you to prepare ahead of time.


To request the following month’s AOs, feel free to contact the BTA web site by e-mail or Trooper Bta by message on the BTA Facebook page. However, we cannot guarantee we will meet every request.


BTA need your cooperation with this new scheduling format!

  • Please read each events page thoroughly before posting questions.

  • Only Post comments and questions on the page of the event you are asking about.

  • Only ask for directions during the week before that event.

  • On Facebook Please, choose “Attending” or “Not Attending”. Too many players always choose “Maybe” whether they come or not, this is no help to us when planning!


BTA December Ops Schedule
12/03/2011 Op. “SMOKE SIGNAL” @ Eagle Mountain-Upper

12/10/2011 Op. “CHRISTMAS CHEER-2011” @ Hobble Creek

12/17/2011 Op. “UA COMMUNITY EVENT” @ TBA

12/24/2011 Op. “XM-EVE” @ Unnamed


12/31/2011 Op. “NEW YEAR BLAST!-2011” @ “The Wash”



Attention All BTA Players!


As it states on the BTA web site NEXT GAME DATE page header, and on all BTA op posts…


“Questions? post below, e-mail the BTA site, or post on the BTA NEXT GAME DATE page for directions, before Friday or a reply will not be sent in time.”

“Check the game post for changes up to 2200hrs (10:00 p.m.) the night before the event.”


We think BTA Command is doing a great job monitoring the web site and Facebook page, giving plenty of information in plenty of time, and answering everyone who follows our simple guidelines.


It is up to each member and visitor to…

  • Read the entire post before posting questions, chances are what you are asking is already in the details.

  • Ask questions on the correct post. The main board is for general questions, ask about a game on that events post.

  • Check back for changes. We will make sure future op detail changes are messaged to members.

  • Ask all game questions by Thursday nights. By Fridays, we busy with game preparations as well as our personal lives.


Thank you for your cooperation!


Hic Pro Pugna


BTA - Black Thorn Airsoft




Due to lack of interest and foul weather limitations,

BTA will no longer be selling lunch at every op.


Be prepared and bring your own food to games, and always remember to bring water!


If BTA decides to offer food for sale at larger planned events, it will be posted ahead of time.



BTA November Op Schedule!


Due to the positive response from the October pre-schedule, BTA has decided to continue the monthly op scheduling!


BTA needs your cooperation with this new scheduling format!

  • Please read each events page thoroughly before posting questions.

  • Only Post comments and questions on the page of the event you are asking about.

  • Only ask for directions during the week before that event.

  • Please choose “Attending” or “Not Attending”. Too many players always choose “Maybe” whether they come or not, this is no help to us when planning!

  • To request the following month’s AOs, feel free to contact the BTA web site by e-mail or Trooper Bta by message on the BTA Facebook page. However, we cannot guarantee we will meet every request.

BTA November Ops Schedule
11/05/2011 Op. “RIVER RUNNER III” @ Hobble Creek

11/12/2011 Op. “RUBBLE” @ “The Mine”

11/19/2011 Op. “TURKEY SHOOT-2011” @ Unnamed AO

11/26/2011 Op. “COLD STEAL” @ “The Outpost”



Oct. BTA Ops Schedule



In a scheduling experiment, BTA has posted events for the entire month of Oct.


Please be sure to check every date when submitting your RSVP.


Make sure to post questions and comments on the correct events page.


We ask that members check the details of every week’s event, allowing you to prepare ahead of time.



Hic Pro Pugna!






Check out our newest page MEMBER’S BLOGS!

Featuring our first official BTA blog created and hosted by BTA-Team member Reckless.


If you wish to host an official blog about BTA contact the web site by e-mail for details!




The BTA VIDEO page is up!

It is a collection of all BTA related videos and information on the members who post them.




There are new articles on the AIRSOFT 101 page.




See our last NEWS article about preparing for Fall BTA Ops!



Fall/Autumn Ops


The days are getting shorter, the nights and mornings are cooler, and the leaves will soon turn. Fall is in the air!



Here at BTA “We host games every weekend, all year long, rain, snow, or shine”


Fall Ops are here.


It is time to get your unpredictable weather ops kit in order.


Whether you are a seasoned fighter or a new player looking forward to playing all year, here are some things to consider in the unpredictable weather of the autumn months…


  • HYDRATION: As always, remember to hydrate!


  • LAYERED CLOTHING: In the fall, it can go from cold in the morning to hot in the afternoon. If you put it on in layers, you can adjust for comfort throughout the day. Consider a waterproof outer layer in case it rains!


  • WATERPROOF BOOTS: Keep your feet dry and warm and you will be able to play all day!


  • MAINTENANCE: Learn how to dry and clean your guns immediately upon getting home


  • A ZOMBIE MASK! (Must be worn with eye-protection): BTA hosts our annual Halloween games around this time every year!


  • A THERMOS/HAND WARMERS/LIPO BATTERIES/A SPRINGER OR AEP SIDEARM: All winter airsoft staples… great for unexpected cold in the autumn.


  • SPARE DRY CLOTHING: Your ride home could be a lot more comfortable if you can get out of wet clothes and shoes.

I Like

Attention BTA Utah airsoft community!


A fellow player Paul Green (a.k.a. Green) host of I Like Airsoft ( has been politely asking for our support when it comes to his You Tube channel.


BTA and enjoys the videos and pictures he creates featuring our clubs, members, and Ops.


These videos have even been featured on an airsoft news site,


Green puts in a great amount of time and effort; let us show our appreciation for his creativity!


All you have to do is simply…

 1)     Register on You Tube (

2)     Subscribe to “AirsoftUtah” (

3)     “Like” the videos!

4)     In addition, maybe leave an encouraging “Comment” about the videos.


While you are at it, support some of our other members…

Miscellaneous BTA members =

BTA member Maverick =

BTA member Sonic =


Please feel free to add anyone I left out.



Approximately a month ago, all accounts held by minors were e-mailed one of the following two messages…



BTA web site member,


               Due to issues regarding minors being left un-attended at our games, BTA has had to begin strictly enforcing our age requirements.


If you have received this e-mail then our records show that you are sixteen/seventeen years old. As of now members sixteen/seventeen years old must have a waiver signed by a parent/legal guardian on file not only to participate at games but to be registered on the web site as well.


               To keep your account active on the BTA web site, please turn in a completed BTA waiver signed by a parent/legal guardian. Failure to comply by July 1st 2011 will result in your account being deactivated.


If you have turned in a waiver in the past, please do so again. Only waivers received after today’s date will be applicable.



BTA Command Team






BTA web site member,


               Due to issues regarding minors being left un-attended at our games, BTA has had to begin strictly enforcing our age requirements.

If you have received this e-mail then our records show that you are under the age sixteen. As of now members under sixteen must have a guardian not only participate at games but registered on the web site as well.

               You and your guardian must also have waivers (minors signed by a parent/legal guardian) on file not only to participate at games but to be registered on the web site as well.

To keep your account active on the BTA web site, please have your guardian create an account and turn in completed BTA waivers (minorss signed by a parent/legal guardian). Failure to comply  by July 1st 2011 will result in your account being deactivated.

               If your guardian is already a registered member of the BTA web site, simply reply to this e-mail indication who your guardian is.



BTA Command Team



If you want to have your account reactivated, please comply with the message above that pertains to you.


Proposed California Law Against Airsoft


No On California SB 798”


Click like at the link above to (electronically) sign the petition.


Many more details can be found there as wall.


!! WARNING  !!


We have been encountering a persistent littering problem at airsoft playing fields.


At a recent Foundation Hill game, a player was seen wearing a disposable camo rain poncho that was later found in a nearby pit that we have been trying to clean up. We also picked up still warm hand-warmers, safety glasses packaging, Co2 powerlets, Thunder-B shells, BB bags, and the growing mess of food wrappers and drink containers.


This is disgraceful and will not to be tolerated!


Anyone caught leaving garbage will be banned from future BTA events.


The locations we play at are used for hiking, biking, camping, paintball, and many more activities. Yes, some of the sites already have a litter issue, this does not mean you have a right to add to the problem. Litter is one of the reasons owners do not want groups like us using their land or property.


Foundation Hill is currently being cleaned up by the city, the BYU ROTC, and a private scrap company. The BYU ROTC has been given permission to build paintball style structures for training, but they must improve and control the litter situation. They have invited the local Airsofters to use the structures in return for our cooperation in keeping the place clean.


We have no intention of being kicked off of a long used site due to some slobs inability to clean up after him (or her) self.


If you cannot control your trash, do not bother attending BTA events.



Great news everyone!


Black Thorn Airsoft will now sell BB’s at all our games.


We will offer...

3,000 .20 gram white BB’s for $10.00 per bag.


2,500 .25 gram white BB’s for $10.00 per bag.


These are super slick, highly polished, quality BB’s.


A good portion of the proceeds from these BB sales will go right back... into the organization to help pay club expenses.

Show your support and buy some BB’s!


Hic Pro Pugna!


Go to the BTA-SHOP/BBs page for details!



Effective immediately

BTA must enforce our rules on Age Restrictions!




As stated on the RULES page and on the BTA waiver…


“Players must be 18 or over with a signed waiver to participate.

Players under 18 must have a BTA waiver signed by a parent or guardian (18 or over) to participate.

Players under 16 must be accompanied by a participating parent or guardian (18 or over) both with signed waivers.”


In the past, we may have been lax in allowing minors to play un-attended.


For that matter, young players have been ignoring BTA rules and showing up without a guardian.


There will be no more…


  • Being dropped off by a parent without a guardian who is 18 or older.

  • Having a parent sitting on the sidelines while a minor plays.

  • Minors posing as an 18 year old or over guardian.


Anyone caught violating these rules will be turned away and banned from attending BTA events!



BTA Command Team Member and NEW AO SCOUT Cowboy has secured an all-new airsoft location!


As always, since BTA is an “open airsoft club” we are welcoming you to join us!


Saturday April 9th 2011 OPERATION: “THERMOPYLAE”


Details about the AO and the scenarios planned will be kept CLASSIFIED until game day.


Go to the BTA NEXT GAME DATE page for details.

Unfortunately, Op. Thermopylae at the new BTA AO was postponed. BTA does not want to spoil the first time at a new site dealing with snow and mud on an untested field and parking area or poor attendance. A replacement game has been scheduled at Foundation Hill, and Op. Thermopylae will be rescheduled at a later date. 

Check back here for news about more new BTA locations!





Spring is upon us, and the nights are getting warmer.



Very soon, BTA will begin hosting Night Ops!

It is time to get your night ops kit in order.



Whether you are a seasoned nocturnal fighter or a new player looking forward to games in the dark, here is a list of what you will need…


  • A low power AEG (300fps or lower/310fps max with 0.20g BBs). With a tracer unit or mounted flashlight that you can turn on when firing.




  • A semi-auto, 300fps or under(310fps max with 0.20g BBs): shotgun, GBB (Gas Blow Back) pistol, AEP (Auto Electric Pistol). Tracer/Flashlight not required in semi-auto.




NO SHOOTING OVER 300fps (310 max)!




  • A RED chem-light or LED glow-stick for your “dead-light” (ONLY RED, OTHER COLORS WILL HAVE OTHER PURPOSES AT BTA NIGHT OPS.)


  • A flashlight.




Some highly recommended items are…


  • A training knife. 
  • A headlamp.
  • A zombie mask! (Must be worn with eye-protection)



All other normal rules will apply. Games to be held on Friday or Saturday nights. Games commence at night-fall, approximately 9:00 p.m. Usually we begin early to hold some higher fps daylight games beforehand.



Check out the new BTA FEATURED MEMBER page!


Brought to you from a partnership with...


I Like


See videos spotlighting BTA-Team and web site members.



By popular demand…

Black Thorn Airsoft is excited to announce the launch of its official team!

All BTA veterans and “regulars” are encouraged to join.

BTA also welcomes all airsoft players who wish to be a member to apply.

For complete details, go to…


Welcome to the future of Black Thorn Airsoft!


Hic Pro Pugna!

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