Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 8:16PM
BTA Command Team Member and NEW AO SCOUT Cowboy has secured an all-new airsoft location!
As always, since BTA is an “open airsoft club” we are welcoming you to join us!
Saturday April 9th 2011 OPERATION: “THERMOPYLAE”
Details about the AO and the scenarios planned will be kept CLASSIFIED until game day.
Go to the BTA NEXT GAME DATE page for details.
Unfortunately, Op. Thermopylae at the new BTA AO was postponed. BTA does not want to spoil the first time at a new site dealing with snow and mud on an untested field and parking area or poor attendance. A replacement game has been scheduled at Foundation Hill, and Op. Thermopylae will be rescheduled at a later date.
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