2013 Year in Review
2013 Year in Review
2013 was another banner year for BTA!
Some highlights…
Welcome to all the new BTA-Team members recruited this past year!
BTA was proud to attend some of the largest attended co-op games in Utah! As always during the peak season/warmer months, the BTA “open” club hosted some of the largest games in the state! We continue to see a variety of players from members, regulars, and a steady stream of newcomers, to visiting teams and many individuals looking for games when their own team is not scheduling!
BTA nearly hosted/attended ops every single week of 2013! We only missed it by one day, when a game was cancelled due to sub-zero temperatures and severely bad air quality reports!
During the warmer seasons of 2013 BTA hosted one or more night-games each month!
BTA scouted and introduced a few new quality public use AOs!
Sadly a few more Utah airsofting AOs were lost again this year, some due to legal recreational zoning changes… one particular favorite AO was lost due to negligent “development” on public use land!
Thanks to the BTA Command and Support Staff as well as the BTA-Team, for all of their hard work and dedication! Thanks to Donny & Hammer for stepping up and helping out hosting ops! More thanks to all the team members who continuously help things run smoothly.
As always super special thanks to all of you… the regulars, friends, visitors, and ever present new players!
You all make BTA the greatest airsoft club!
BTA - Black Thorn Airsoft
Hic Pro Pugna!
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