Monday, December 31, 2012 at 3:47PM
2012 Year in Review
2012 was another great year for BTA!
A few highlights to remember…
The BTA-Team began hosting monthly “closed” team-only games. Using our own U.S.A.F. connected members; we began using the Hill AFB paintball field and once again began helping our friends at Camp Williams with “training”.
Welcome to all the new BTA-Team members recruited this past year!
As always the BTA “open” club continued to regularly attract the largest attendance around! We see a variety of players from members, regulars, and a steady stream of newcomers, to visiting teams and many individuals looking for games when their own team is not scheduling!
For the second consecutive year BTA hosted/attended ops every… …single… …week of 2012!
In the Spring, Summer, and early Fall of 2012 BTA managed to host at least one night-game a month!
With no major holidays on Saturdays this coming year, it’s looking like we can do it again in 2013!
While BTA hasn’t introduced any new AOs this year, we have
reintroduced long unused AOs like “The Fields” and “Lake Shore”!
On a sad note, the Utah airsofting communities have lost a few AOs due to the excessive wildfires in 2012. Additionally, BTA lost a great field we introduced last year. The company that owns the “The Mine” has changed hands and the new owner was not interested in our request to play there.
As always… thanks to the BTA Command and Support Staff as well as the BTA-Team, for all of their hard work and dedication!
Thanks to Iceman, Valkyrie, and Cowboy for stepping up and helping out hosting ops! More thanks to all the team members who continuously help things run smoothly.
Special thanks to all of you… the members, regulars, friends, visitors, and ever growing new players!
You all make BTA the greatest airsoft club!
BTA - Black Thorn Airsoft
Hic Pro Pugna!
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