Within the greater BTA-Team you will find smaller units of players who often “roll” together applying similar tactics towards their given objectives… These are the BTA - Squads!
BTA Command is ever watchful for groups of players within our ranks who show the ability to function as a smaller unit and dedication to represent the larger BTA entity.
Do you have what it takes to be a BTA – Squad?
To qualify for recognition as a BTA - Squad, your unit must…
Be official BTA-Team members!
Have three or more members.
Be dedicated to functioning as a squad.
Be chosen by BTA Command!
Once recognized, qualified BTA - Squads will be permitted to…
Wear their own “squad” patch along with the official BTA-Team patch.
Have their own BTA – Squad page on the official BTA web site.
Host their own BTA approved web site, blog, and/or Facebook page. (Providing they are willing to adhere to BTA public relations policy)
Represent BTA and the BTA-Team at non-BTA events.
BTA – Squads are formed by a system of “natural selection”, no one is guaranteed a squad page.
Additionally, there are no clear cut “steps” to “apply” to be a BTA – Squad. Interested units should be aware of the requirements stated above, and work at satisfying them. BTA Command is not interested in forming and training squads, show us what you have got, and do not ask us… we will ask you!
Hic Pro Pugna!
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