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OPERATION CODENAME: Op: “Memorial Day Volunteer Flag Detail”
OPERATION COMMANDER: Lucas van Dijk aka “Panther”
DATE / TIME: Saturday 05/28/2011 - 0800hrs. (08:00 a.m.)
AO (Area Of Operation): Murray Cemetery (5490 So. & Vine St. Murray, UT 84107)
MEET-UP-POINT: Meet at the AO.
DESCRIPTION: Please bring a 'stick' like tool of some kind, such as a long screwdriver or rod to penetrate the ground.
We will provide the flags and a map.
If you want to help in your own area, send me your… name, number and area you are in, so I can try and get a hold of the VFW in your area for details.
Contact Lucas at Please put "Memorial Day" in the subject line.
Many Thanks,Lucas van Dijk
BTA members are guests at this event and are expected to act as such. Please remember to show respect to our host while representing BTA.
OPERATION CODENAME: Op: “Memorial Day Volunteer Flag Detail”
OPERATION COMMANDER: Lucas van Dijk aka “Panther”
DATE / TIME: Saturday 05/28/2011 - 0800hrs. (08:00 a.m.)
AO (Area Of Operation): Murray Cemetery (5490 So. & Vine St. Murray, UT 84107)
MEET-UP-POINT: Meet at the AO.
DESCRIPTION: Please bring a 'stick' like tool of some kind, such as a long screwdriver or rod to penetrate the ground.
We will provide the flags and a map.
If you want to help in your own area, send me your… name, number and area you are in, so I can try and get a hold of the VFW in your area for details.
Contact Lucas at Please put "Memorial Day" in the subject line.
Many Thanks,
Lucas van Dijk
BTA members are guests at this event and are expected to act as such. Please remember to show respect to our host while representing BTA.