DATE / TIME: Saturday 11/27/2010 - 0930hrs. (09:30 a.m.) to 1600hrs. (04:00 p.m.)
AO (Area Of Operation): Grove Creek
MEET-UP-POINT: Orem Allen’s Super Save Market 1950 North State Street Orem, UT 84057-2029 (801)224-0999. Leaving at 08:30 a.m. Sharp! BE ON TIME!

DESCRIPTION: Predicting low attendance due to the holiday weekend BTA will be joining up with UCA & JFFA at UCA’s Grove Creek game.

From the UCA web site.

Location: Grove Creek
Meetup: @ 8:00am at Orem Allen's Supermarket (Parking Lot)
Leave Meetup Point: 8:30am
Games Start: Promptly at 9:30
Games End: 4pm

More info to come on location and directions.

UCA will be trying out a Grove Creek as a new field. If everyone has a goodtime, we will add the field to our monthly rotation. Kudos to Hitman for scouting this location out. Intel indicates low amount-to-no civvies operating in the AO.

This is a legal playing field.

Game Scenario: TBA
Game Status: Open - JFFA Invited

UCA RoE and age restrictions will be in place. Please follow. Questions? PM a UCA Officer


BTA members are guests at this event and are expected to act as such. When attending other club/teams events BTA will follow the host’s rules. Please remember to show respect to our host while representing BTA. The UCA – Utah County Airsoft rules can be found here:

************************************* REMEMBER TO BE PREPARED! ************************************
While BTA does offer some weapon & gear rentals and ammo sales, these events should be Considered BYO (Bring Your Own). Items to consider are WATER & FOOD, Weapons/Ammo/Batteries, Tools & Repair Items (Tape… etc…), Extra Eye-Protection, and Extra Clothes & Shoes.

November 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterBlack Thorn Airsoft

About how long is the drive from Allens to the AO?

November 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterRatboy

From Allen's it is about 7-10 minutes to the Grove Creek parking lot.

November 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterFOG

Thanks! Count me in!

November 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterRatboy

This AO may have a new nickname. Researching Grove Creek I found this info on the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) site.

“I was hiking in the CENSORED mountains above the town of CENSORED, Utah. I had just entered CENSORED Canyon when I saw a large red animal up on the rim of the canyon, about 100 feet above me. It looked about as tall as a large man. There was little wind, but I did not notice any strange smell. I quickly realized that I was looking at a Bigfoot. I stood and observed the animal for about 5 seconds, then it walked away from the rim of the canyon, out of view. I looked for it throughout the rest of the hike but I did not see it again. It appeared to be looking east, up the canyon and into the small valley between the foothills, where we were, and Mt. CENSORED. After I had watched it, it turned it's back to me and walked out of view. I can only guess that it was looking for prey. This occured sometime between 3:00pm-4:00pm in May of 1996.”

November 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterTrooper

Hey Danny,
If you see this in time me and my brother will most likely buy some camo from you this saturday so if you have giganto sizes bring them please. Also, I plan to bring one of my buddies so is there a rifle I can rent from you for him to use?

November 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterDeseret

TO: Deseret

I do not think Dan will be there. Try e-mailing him directly from his name (Ghost) on the WEB SITE MEMBERS page.

November 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterBlack Thorn Airsoft

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