Where is the 'Outpost', general location?
TO: Thor
The Outpost is about 45 min. west of the meet-up-point just off Rt. 73.
Will there be anyone who will not be able to make it all the way out to The Outpost and would want to play at Foundation Hill? Myself and four buddies might not be going to The Outpost but still want to play somewhere closer...
I'm coming, 2 of my friends are coming along as well.
TO: Aries,
Please re-post your pick-up game idea in the new pick-up-game forum, this page is about this game. These posts will soon be deleted.
Thank you,
DATE / TIME: Saturday 11/13/2010 - 1000hrs. (10:00 a.m.) to 1500hrs. (03:00 p.m.)
AO (Area Of Operation): The Outpost
MEET-UP-POINT: Saratoga Springs Wal-Mart 136 W SR 73 Saratoga Springs, UT 84045 (801) 766-4272
Park on the West end of the building in the Garden Center/Automotive side parking lot. Leaving at 08:45 a.m. Sharp! BE ON TIME!
BTA has been invited to play with TAC4 Russia this Saturday at the Outpost.
Taken from the TAC4 Russia web site…
“We are playing the Outpost this Saturday, with the guys from Black Thorn.
If you are coming please let one of the teams admins know so we can have an idea of numbers for scenario’s. Also if you have ideas for scenarios to play let a team admin know.
Also we will have a chrono on game day to check guns to ensure everybody is within the FPS requirement.”
BTA members must POST A REPLY below and/or RSVP on the MySpace event (When it is posted) so our command can give TAC4 admins a head count.
BTA members are guests at this event and are expected to act as such. When attending other club/teams events BTA will follow the host’s rules. Please remember to show respect to our host while representing BTA. The TAC4 Russia (http://www.tac4russia.com/) rules can be found here: http://www.tac4russia.com/gameplayrules.htm. BTA requires its members to know the TAC4 Russia rules before attending this event.
************************************* REMEMBER TO BE PREPARED! ************************************
While BTA does offer some weapon & gear rentals and ammo sales, these events should be Considered BYO (Bring Your Own). Items to consider are WATER & FOOD, Weapons/Ammo/Batteries, Tools & Repair Items (Tape… etc…), Extra Eye-Protection, and Extra Clothes & Shoes.