Hey um small confusion on the location. Is this on the west shore of Utah Lake? Or is this place in Springville? because I get 2 different locations with the same name when I put it on google maps.
TO: Deseret
This is not in Springville, I've sent you a PM.
yikes the coordinates you gave me are on the south end of utah lake. I dont think ill be able to go airsofting with you guys this week
Oh my gosh I'm so confused on the location. If I look up the meet-up point store's location on the Smith's website, I get a Smith's on the West shore of Utah Lake. But the coordinates you PMed me are a spot on the South end of Utah Lake! I don't know where to go and surely we aren't going to convoy clear to the South shore from there if you can tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong then please let me know!!! =(
In the name of jumping in head first and not wanting to miss airsoft for a 3rd week now, I'm just gonna show up to the Smith's on the West shore of Utah Lake and hope for the best because it's not that far and if I see you guys then my day is made!! Wish me luck and I hope to god my wild guess is right I miss you guys!
TO: Deseret
This may come too late... Yes, the meet-up-point is a good distance from the AO. Please trust the information provided. Hope you made it.
DATE / TIME: Saturday 11/06/2010 - 0830hrs. (08:30 a.m.) to 1700hrs. (05:00 p.m.)
AO (Area Of Operation): Silver City
MEET-UP-POINT: Smith’s 1320 Redwood Rd in Saratoga Springs. Leaving at 07:00 a.m. Sharp! BE ON TIME!
DESCRIPTION: Black Thorn Airsoft will be hosting a game out at Silver City this weekend. We will meet at the AO at 8:30 a.m. Please come out and have some fun! Hope to see you all there!
Hic pro pugna!
~ Ghost
A few rules to spotlight:
• Know the rules! – The briefings will be shorter and the games can start sooner!
• Age Requirements – Under 18 = Parents sign waiver / Under 16 = Parent must play too.
• Call your hits, do not call the opponents’ hits!
• Red “Dead-Rags” – It’s a rule!
• Water – Stay hydrated.
• FPS restrictions & Engagement distances.
************************************* REMEMBER TO BE PREPARED! ************************************
While BTA does offer some weapon & gear rentals and ammo sales, these events should be Considered BYO (Bring Your Own). Items to consider are WATER & FOOD, Weapons/Ammo/Batteries, Tools & Repair Items (Tape… etc…), Extra Eye-Protection, and Extra Clothes & Shoes.
******************************************** ATTENTION! *********************************************
BTA command reserves the right to alter our ROE (Rules Of Engagement) as we see fit. Participants at our events are required to review the rules before attending each event.