DATE / TIME: Saturday 07/24/2010 - 0700hrs. (07:00 a.m.) to 1300hrs. (01:00 p.m.) …or later
AO (Area Of Operation): Foundation Hill
MEET-UP-POINT: Comment on this page or e-mail this site if you do not know where the AO is.

DESCRIPTION: Black Thorn Airsoft is hosting a game at Foundation Hill. We will start at 7:00am so we can keep as cool as possible! We will end when it gets too hot to play. Please bring your own water!!! There will be grills so bring some food if you want. Hope to see you all there! Hic pro pugna! - Ghost


************************************* REMEMBER TO BE PREPARED! ************************************
While BTA does offer some weapon & gear rentals and ammo sales, these events should be Considered BYO (Bring Your Own). Items to consider are WATER & FOOD, Weapons/Ammo/Batteries, Tools & Repair Items (Tape… etc…), Extra Eye-Protection, and Extra Clothes & Shoes.

******************************************** ATTENTION! *********************************************
BTA command reserves the right to alter our ROE (Rules Of Engagement) as we see fit. Participants at our events are required to review the rules before attending each event.

July 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterBlack Thorn Airsoft

Crap I didnt realize that there wasnt going to be a meet up at the Home Depot in provo. I guess I need to pay more attention. Next time I will email and make sure where you guys are meeting up. I was looking forward to playing today. Once I go to all the AOs I'll go stait to them if you guys arent there. Till next time!!!!

July 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterUndertaker

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