DATE / TIME: Saturday 07/17/2010 - 1800hrs. (06:00 p.m.) to 2300hrs. (11:00 p.m.) …or later!
AO (Area Of Operation): Faust, UT **NEW LOCATION - BE AT THE MEET-UP-POINT**
MEET-UP-POINT: Saratoga Springs Wal-Mart 136 W SR 73 Saratoga Springs, UT 84045 (801) 766-4272
Park on the West side of the building in the Garden Center/Auto Shop parking lot. LEAVING at 1800hrs (06:00 p.m.) Sharp! BE ON TIME!

DESCRIPTION: Black Thorn Airsoft is having a MILSIM style game this Saturday the 17th. We will be meeting at the Saratoga Springs Wal-Mart at 06:00pm sharp we will be leaving for a new field out in the west desert. For this game, there will be a uniform requirement code. There will be three different teams with different BDUs. The teams have already been filled. Except for the Local Militia team which needs your help! If mace/ Tyler has already contacted you about roles then you’re good! Okay, back to the uniforms. For the Local Militia team we can have anything but ACU. With that, there will be prizes for the best-dressed Local Militia! So please try hard! As for the other teams, they have already been contacted and given their orders! We will be out in the desert so please bring lots of water! The main game will be held during daylight but you need to bring your night fighting gear too! That means lights on your guns and a chem. light for your dead rag. In addition, a gun that shoots under 300fps. Please come out and have a great time! - Ghost

NOTES: Everyone who is going to be a Local Militia read this! There will be prizes for the best-dressed and best acting Local Militia.
The operation will be about an hour and a half of constant shooting, so be sure to charge everything and bring plenty of ammo. This is the hot desert, so bring lots of water. I went through a case last week at Silver City with me and two people. We are going to eat after the main op. so bring some food if you want to grill. The night game rules are going to be the same as always, so look on the BTA site. Hic pro pugna! - Mase

************************************* REMEMBER TO BE PREPARED! ************************************
While BTA does offer some weapon & gear rentals and ammo sales, these events should be Considered BYO (Bring Your Own). Items to consider are WATER & FOOD, Weapons/Ammo/Batteries, Tools & Repair Items (Tape… etc…), Extra Eye-Protection, and Extra Clothes & Shoes.

******************************************** ATTENTION! *********************************************
BTA command reserves the right to alter our ROE (Rules Of Engagement) as we see fit. Participants at our events are required to review the rules before attending each event.

July 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterBlack Thorn Airsoft

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